Belt Cleaner

Primary PU Belt Cleaner(P-PU)
Standard-Duty Primary PU belt cleaner(SD-P-PU):
- Belt Width: 450~2400 mm;
- Belt Speed: ≤3.5(m/s)
- Temperature: -40~90 ℃
- Material Humidity: ≤15%
Heavy-Duty Primary PU belt cleaner (HD-P-PU):
- Belt Width: 500~2000 mm;
- Belt Speed: >3.5(m/s)
- Temperature: -40~90 ℃
- Material Humidity: ≤15%
Secondary PU Belt Cleaner(S-PU)
Standard-Duty Second PU belt cleaner (SD-S-PU):
- Belt Width: 450~2400 mm;
- Belt Speed: ≤3.5(m/s)
- Temperature: -40~90 ℃
- Material Humidity: ≤15%
Heavy-Duty Second PU belt cleaner (HD-S-PU):
- Belt Width: 500~2000 mm;
- Belt Speed: >3.5(m/s)
- Temperature: -40~90 ℃
- Material Humidity: ≤15%
Secondary PU & Alloy Belt Cleaner (S-PA)
The PU Blade has a Tungsten Carbide Tip.
- Belt Width: 500~2000(mm)
- Suitable for both mechnical or vulcanized joint belt.
- Suitable for tough applications with wet, sticky carryback.
- Unique spring tension.
V-Plough Belt Cleaner (Return Belt Cleaner)(V-P)
Standard-Duty V-Plough belt cleaner(SD-V-P)
- Belt Width: 500~2000mm;
- Belt Speed: ≤3.5(m/s)
- Temperature: -40~90 ℃
- Material Humidity: ≤15%
Heavy-Duty V-Plough belt cleaner(HD-V-P)
- Belt Width: 500~2000mm
- Belt Speed: >3.5(m/s)
- Temperature: -40~90 ℃
- Material Humidity: ≤15%
Alloy Belt Cleaner(Alloy type)
H-Type Primary Belt Cleaner(A-H-P)
A-H-P Type Primary is optimally mounted in the head of the pulley to drop carryback right at the transfer point.
P-Type Secondary Belt Cleaner(A-P-S)
A-P-S-Type Secondary Belt Cleaner is used to clean the return belt.
Brush Style Belt Cleaner(Brush type)
Motorized Brush Style Belt Cleaner(M1-B)
Motorless Brush Belt Cleaner(M2-B)
Upgraded Belt Cleaner:
Primary PU Belt Cleaner
- Industries: mines, power plant, steel mills, docks, cement plants;
- Carried Materials: coal, soil, mineral, aggregate, cement;
- Belt Width: 650 ~ 2200 mm;
- Drive Pulley Diameter: 800 ~ 1600 mm;
- Belt Speed: 4.0 ~ 6.0 m/s;
Secondary Belt Cleaner (tungsten carbide)
- Carried Materials: coal, soil, mineral, aggregate, cement;
- Blade Dimension:
- Mini: height 90 mm x width 100 mm;
- Sta: height 154 mm x width 150 mm;